Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Straight from the Bosom

Chris' attempt at putting me down can be read below..... Obviously he doesn't realize that "French" is not recognized in the limerick community as an actual language.

Now I shall dominate in Reformed Egyptian:
(I have formatted a seer stone into this post for translation purposes - so it will appear in English, although I assure you it is authored in Reformed Egyptian.)

Does your bosom give limerick inspiration?
Or fill with warmth from a Holy Ghost revelation?
You will not escape my wrath,
When you're raptured during a bath,
There to stay and ponder this devastation.

Au Revoir, Punk

Witness now the raw brilliance of my bilingual limericking ability:
J'espère que tu peux m'entendre,
Et que tu vas me comprendre,
Je t'écraserai
Sans aucun délai,
Le titre de Maitre à prendre.

I hope that you can hear me
And that you will understand me
I will crush you
Without any delay
The title of Master to take.

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