Monday, April 18, 2005

Give Umbriaco the Ball

OK..... a couple things about this weekend:

1) I was visited on Friday by my own personal hell-on-earth: We did a 6 hr study of the book of Galatians at the IV House - which was fun. I got to do a little teaching, so that was neat-o..... anyway as we approached the 11th hour (literally and figuratively) Seth passed out a pack of gum to every individual in the room. I HATE GUM. I cannot watch people chew gum, I can't stand the sound it makes, nor the compulsive need that all people feel to pop said gum. It honestly makes me ill. I become enraged so much so that I can't function..... so I had to leave. I sat outside the room, and did some private study while trying to stop my head from exploding.....

2) RSL game on Sat. - Some people are apparently not aware that it is a great honor in any sport to be referred to as 'Umbriaco' - a name synonymous with greatness. I attended the game with my lovely wife, Erin, my brother Jon-Pow, mi amore Corey Duncan, and special guests Craig and Chad..... the Bowlcut scored free tickets, so he brought Chris Snow and Sam (& Craig, although Craig was sitting with us). Anyway, in a stoke of brilliance and Co. moved into a shadier spot at half-time which spared my glistening white bodice from more of the sun's harmful rays... so we joined them. As the action progressed, I became emphatic about getting Umbriaco the ball...... the others obviously failed to realize that Umbriaco is the best player on the field at any given time, or me... depending on the context..... perhaps they thought I was delusional and was imploring the players to pass me the ball in the stands..... quite the contrary - at that point I wished to be substituted into the game, or that they find someone (we'll call him 'Umbriaco') an opportunity to shoot the ball (by which I mean actually getting over the ball and driving it, not launching into the stands in the south end zone......) Anyway I had a good time at the game, and Umbriaco scored the winning goal in the 81st minute......

And now for your enjoyment some limericks regarding the mythical beast 'Battlecat' - blessings of peace be on the gender non-descript canine's name:

Battlecat my fine furry friend,
A true companion to the end,
If you pee on our bed,
I'll pee on your head,
Then we'll go for a walk - our heart's to mend.

Battlecat shall be a strong-willed dog
Who will play with Erin and I - and not enjoy smog
We will take you for runs,
And we'll all have sore buns,
We'll be pals and we'll buy you a log.


jake and erin said...

This is a trustworthy limerick and worthy of full acceptance

Danny said...

Jake, have you ever considered the delicious irony that, unless you were to change your name, you are always driving while Umbriaco?

Frightening, yes?