Thursday, April 07, 2005


I spent yesterday working on a mink/pig farm, and needless to say, I didn’t smell so great at the end of the day. The real bummer is that I neglected the sunblock, and now I’m burned to a crisp….. I think the top of my ears have melted……

As Erin and I are getting ready to move to Houston, we’ve been thinking about where we might find fellowship:

Here’s a link to a church we came across recently:

Erin and I have been reading Exodus together at night. We just read about how God delivered the Jews from the Eqyptians….and the chapter following the parting of the Red Sea, and the destruction of the Egyptian Army, we find God’s people complaining about the lack of water.

I think that sums up the faith of most people today – God can bring you through something in a miraculous way, and you forget about it completely when the next trial approaches you….

Another thought: in Mortification of Sin, Ch. 9 – the 4th sign of dangerous indwelling sin is that the sole motivation towards the mortification of sin is the punishment associated with said sin, whether fear of man or fear of God, and that if that sin had no punishment attached, we would continue to do it.

I find I’ve been erring on several accounts: I find that I fear other people knowing me for who I am, and that motivates me to stop sinning, I definitely think that if certain sins had no punishment attached I would continue to do them, and further still I think I’ve tricked myself lately into believing that God won’t punish me for my sins.

I pray for grace – that the Holy Spirit would convict me of the reality of sin, and God’s passionate hatred of it, and that I would have a reverent fear of the Most High, and a deep gratitude for His Son that would compel me toward holiness.

grace and peace,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, I know you wrote this a while ago, but I had to respond-I completely identify with you saying that you fear other people will see you for who you truly are, and that that is what motivates you to stop sinning...that's me completely. Thank you for being so bluntly honest.