Monday, March 21, 2005

Meanwhile, back at Wayne Manor

Weekend Update:

Erin has taken ill.... she chilled on the couch for most of the day
yesterday and got some rest... which is good. I had dinner with my
parents at Red Lobster last night. That was a lot of fun. I love my
parents, it's weird how after you reach a certain age, their wisdom seems
to increase exponentially..... all their ideas that I thought foolish as a
teen now seem so wise. I'm really blessed to have believing parents and
to benefit from their experience in the Lord.

Erin and I are pondering whether or not we can pony up the cash to upgrade
our appliances to stainless steel in our new place....... there's a lot of
up-front costs....

Things we have to buy:

Laptop (Erin is required to have one for med school)
Couches (These are required for sitting purposes)
Fridge (This goes w/o saying)
Blinds/Curtains (Unless Erin and I experience some sort of exhibitionist
revolution... this will be a necessity in our home)

On the back burner:

Erin really wants a piano. The other day I came home from work, and there
was a picture of a piano on our fridge, and then when I went to hang up my
coat, there was an ad for a piano sale taped to the door......subtlety is
not her strong suit......

What I really want - a new TV. Right now I'll have to live vicariously
through Sean Patrick and lust after his TV..... but soon... I really must
acquire one. Watching DVD's/Sports is like one of my favorite can these things be fully appreciated with subpar
viewing equipment?

Perhaps I shall join a prosperity church for a limited time, until God
increase my income 10 fold....

Well.. TTFN,


1 comment:

jake and erin said...

excellent point,

I think I shall!

Sarah... let this be an object lesson to you on leaving behind worldly things for the sake of the kingdom......