Thursday, March 10, 2005

Llama madness – The growing source for llama information!

“Llamapaedia is for everyone with an interest in Llamas. Written by veterinarians, it is intended to be an accurate source of information on husbandry, breeding, care and resources for further information.”

This has to be the greatest line ever published on the internet….. it would never have occurred to me to start a website to inform the public on such vital topics as llama husbandry. What can I say… my life has changed dramatically.

This web gem was sent to me by Robyn Fenn! Robyn is a freshman at the U (she went to SE Baptist Church so she hails from Chad Whitehead’s youth group) she works at a sub shop called Super G’s so you know she’s hardcore. Anyway – I wrote Robyn a b-day limerick, and to show her gratitude she sent me the link which has forever changed my life. I will share this limerick with you for your edification:

Robyn's b-day was two days agoYou went to a movie where it probably didn't snowIt was in a theatre, So there was no alligator,Who you could have hunted with a bow.

I will soon publish this work with a host of other, equally insightful limericks…. Look for it wherever “Prayer of Jabez for Pre-pubsecent Squirrels” is sold.

After Robyn sent me this link, I immediately forwarded the link to Erin…. Who was quick to call and inform me that we are not purchasing a llama. This is clearly heresy and I hope you all will join me in calling her to repentance. Erin did some reading and found out that some sheep herds have guard llamas… guard dogs. This is clearly God’s calling on my life. Erin and I will raise llamas, and train guard llamas for the protection of mankind. A genetically superior herd of guard llamas…. Beware of the new revolution.

Alpacas are for ninnies,

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