Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Mas picturas

More pictures from the past three weeks.... we got to hang out with quite a few folks whilst in the great state of Utah.... but for some reason our camera didn't capture all of them.... so with apologies to the Patricks, the Jenkins, the Hays', the Whiteheads, the soon-to-be Gephardts, and various family members (like Paul and Christina... and the little Sticky in the oven).... here are some more photos.

Bluebell (Full name: Kelsey Bluebell Panthor Umbriaco) is
quite excited to have a sister and a belly rub

The girls like to lay down on the couch with Erin
Battlecat was very happy to have Erin back
Jonathan and Bluebell learning to waltz
Here's a Christmas Day photo of my dad and I taking pictures of each other.
Here's JonPow and his main squeeze Christina exchanging gifts (I have pictures of Joel.... but they are all with his eyes closed.....)
Bluebell loves to cuddle which suits us fine
Allen Family Christmas


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention me and the lack of photo...which was all for the best since I was dying when you saw me :(

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary YESTERDAY!!!