Sunday, January 21, 2007

Football is a drag....

It's looking like the Patriots are going to beat the Colts.... I'm really sick of the Patriots... I don't think I'll watch much of the Super Bowl if they're in it.....

I did watch all of USA-Denmark in their first game since the Ghana debacle.... that was a lot of fun to watch. I'm happy for Kenny Cooper (scored the final goal of their 3-1 victory) who I got to meet at Dynamo-FC Dallas game last year (he's a high school friend of my neighbor).

I'm having trouble coming to grips with the fact that Bluebell is still a pup relative to Battlecat.... she has been quite destructive lately..... here are some things she has eaten/destroyed in the past week:

1 bag of Sour Patch Watermelons
1 box of Cherry Candy Canes
1 bag of sweet tarts
1 Pineapple Chapstick
1 Book
1 thing of bubble wrap
1 padded envelope (yet another delay on sending your birthday present Mom.... Bluebell ate everything we bought to mail your present....)
Several Target sacks

Bluebell also is quite fond of cuddling.... every night when we go to sleep the dogs are in their beds and somehow when I wake up I find Bluebell in all sorts of positions on our bed... she doesn't even care about comfort.... one night I woke up and she'd draped her body perpendicular to mine over my legs..... then I woke up a little later and she was laying lengthwise in between Erin and I... Battlecat will lay on the bed, but at the first hint of movement she jumps off and lays down in her own bed....

I'm not a proponent of dogs in the bed.... it's cute when we're reading but when I'm trying to sleep I need real estate for sprawling out.... dogs inhibit said sprawl.....

Erin has one week left at Ben Taub (the public hospital) before she switches to a private hospital for her 2nd month of her medicine rotation. She's had some really long nights and she has to work at least 6 days a week so she's pretty tired. Erin wanted me to pose for general blog discussion this question:

What's your position on end-of-life issues? Would you want to be kept alive on a machine - even if there was no medical hope? Talk amongst yourselves.....


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the Colts won. We had turned off the game in our small group to discuss the book Blue like Jazz.

My position is...unplug me! I don't want to have machines keeping me alive unless I have a very good chance of going back to the way that I was before this horrible incident. I want to go heaven. Something about seeing my Creator face to face is more appealing than having a machine breathing for me.


Corey and Jenni said...

Both of us agree to pull the plug!

CCR said...

THAT's why they play two halves, foo! Haven't you learned anything from your years watching sports?

I do agree with you that it would have been quite pathetic for the Colts to lose AGAIN to that personality-challenged yet brilliant accountant-in-a-sweatsuit looking play caller. I couldn't believe that the Chargers choked the way they did to even put the Pats in that game in the first place.

As to your proposed ethical dilemma, I have already constructed a Kervorkian-like machine in my garage for specific use on me if/when such an event should come about. I'll simply need a team of around 5 guys to haul it into the hospital (posing, perhaps as piano-movers, the contraption itself covered of course), along with one gallon of the gas/oil mix on which it runs. After it finishes me off, it also converts into a medieval catapult so that my remains may be launched from the roof of the hospital toward the setting sun at dusk.