Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Let me clear a few things up

OK... so I get carried away with my posts sometimes.....

Let me clear a few things up for confused readers:

1) Erin and I will not have a baby (God-willing) until she is finished with her MD - so..... 2010?

2) Battlecat will be the name of our dog once we acquire a dog.... right now we have no dog (except for Corey Duncan who is the Dawg - but has abandoned me for that woman he married)

3) Giraffes attack with their front two legs and that freaks me out although I suppose it makes sense.... what else would they do - sledgehammer enemies with their head?

Ummm.... a lot of stuff has happened since I started this post so I lost my train of thought.... which was probably headed off track after the giraffe comment anyway.....

So some highlights.....
Friday I was playing basketball at the Y and I jammed my left hand ring finger.... it swoll so bad that I can't get my ring back on it.... yesterday it felt a lot better and my ring fit, so I wore my ring all day today and then I couldn't get it off... I finally suceeding in getting it off, so it is now on my right hand which I understand is the custom in Norway.... so if anyone asks... Erin and I are celebrating our Norse heritage....until my finger returns to it's normal size.

Keepin' it blonde and blue eyed.....



wears thai pants said...

1. some of us just have to double check these things in case we are missing some big baby discussion.
2. what type of dog will battlecat be?
3. your knowledge about giraffe attack habits really scares me
4. I do believe you can now say the Y has 'given you the finger'
I miss you!

jake and erin said...

Aw... I miss you too Amy!
Breeds being considered for the title of Battlecat include: Retrievers, Labs, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Mastiffs, mixes of any of those... German Shepherds, and of course, a domesticated llama.

J said...

It's all about the Golden Retriever, doogie. Just thought I should toss that out there. Or the domesticated llama, or possibly even an alpaca. You should check out some of the fun with alpaca web sites. Anyway, fred ut, min norsk bror, og lang levende battlecat!! (may not be right, I really don't speak Norwegian)

Anonymous said...

my team lost 17-4 in my indoor game last night, so afterwards we decided that we had to try to win at somethin, so we had a rumble, and the rumble gave me new enlightened meaning to "why is it if a man kills another man in the heat of battle it's called heroic, but if the same man kills another man in the heat of passion it's called murder!"....

love your biological and powmonigical brother
jon pow

Ang said...

Hi! Short time reader, first time commenter.
Actually, I think giraffes DO attack by knocking things with their necks.
I have a cyber pet Llama on my blog. His name is "green dress" (yep - big fan of BNL) and he is very cute.