Erin has been sick the last couple of days - today on the way home we purchased: Wendy's Fries, OJ, banana popsicles, soup, vapor stuff, and nyquil stuff for Erin - so hopefully some combo of those things will make her feel better. We also purchased our first turkey! It's a fine bird, weighing in at just shy of 21 lbs. Since Erin is sick - I got to make food just for me for dinner... so I had gravy tacos.... it was awesome! I felt a little like Elvis... actually I'm hairier than the king, but I do dig gravy on my tacos - life changing. Speaking of hairy, the beard is making a comeback... I haven't shaved for a couple of days (which for me is approaching sasquatch levels) so I figured why not? I hate shaving...... now I'm not going for the moustache/beard combo... that's lame. I'm kicking it Brigham Young style.... no moustache!
Erin and I are going with Kevin and Carissa Eastham to see the Broadway musical: Wicked this Sunday so that should be amazing..... and while I'm on the subject of Eastham's.... I want to give a shout out to Greg Matte, pastor of First Baptist Houston for being totally hardcore. Kevin told me that the church is taking 9 months or so to go through Colossians verse by verse, and Greg has challenged the church to memorize the book of Colossians along the way! I think that's on Greg.
In case anyone is interested I'm still working on memorizing Ephesians... I took a couple month break, but I was up to Ch. 3, Justin Goldman told me that he is starting to memorize the book, so we've agreed to push each other through it. Once I memorize a couple more books, I will become legally righteous and all-powerful - then Battlecat and I will take over the world!!!! Until Erin rebukes me, then Battlecat and I will take off our capes and come back in the which point Battlecat will retreat to a corner and lick his/herself (as is the custom of canines) and I'll probably be assigned to clean the toilet, do the dishes, and vacuum.... maybe world domination through legal righteousness isn't such a good plan.....
I'm hanging out with John Roberson on Saturday.... which is cool.....
Corey Duncan still hasn't called me back.... which is not cool.
Erin went to sleep last night at 9 PM which is totally cool......
I went to a helicopter crash survival training yesterday in Galveston which was both cool and not cool.... and now I will elaborate.
So Katy ( a super good friend from work) and I went to this training dealy in Galveston. They put us in this cage thing with two seats, shoulder and waist straps, and openings on both sides of the cage to escape out of. We wore these crash helmets and blacked out goggles so we couldn't see. Then they flip the cage over so your body is upside down, underwater, and you can't see... and you have to get yourself out.... then you repeat........the last guy in our group didn't have a partner, so I did it like 3 more times with him..... anyway fun for all ages.....
Well... that's all for now.
Master of the Powercat,
Your artist's rendition of BYU's infamous "man with beard" reminded me of a visit I had this past week. No, not the divine revelation of rocks in an oversized Christmas stocking that allow me to read long lost script, but rather the real life encounter of two living men in black.
They had actually stopped by to have a 'chat' with a former roommate, but I invited them in and had a 'chat' with them myself along with my roommate Ryan who's on staff with Crusade. You and your beloved Battlecat would have loved it.
So a man who calls himself "the Bearded" took special notice of your idolatrous Brigham image, ... big shock!
For a second I thought I read that the men he talked to were black, but of course they were "in black," referring to the sacred robes of that corporate American religion to which they belong. If they had been black m's that would be more novel yet disturbing.
When you do finally get Battlecat, you must make sure to get a cool battle helmet and saddle as well. (As shown in the picture.)
You need to make a Battlecat post, Jake the drunkard.
we should all go take the "kids" to the Bark Park some weekend soon. How much does Battlecat weigh?
Hiya Jake - Congrats on your big soccer win! Glad the team had a good game, sorry to hear that you let six goals in!!!
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