Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Behold.... BATTLECAT!

First..... load up this love offering from the musical stylings of Lazlo the Destroyer:

And then behold....... Battlecat!

Battlecat was adopted this Saturday from Pals for Pooches! She is a retriever/spaniel mix and overall she's a pretty chilled out dog. John Roberson and I went to see her on Sat. after Erin and I saw her on the internet..... when Erin OK'd the adoption, John and I took her back to the car and immediately began socializing her by calling her Battlecat. When I put her in the back of Erin's car, she must have been very nervous because she peed twice in the backseat, and then threw up on the way home..... but that was cool because she was just asserting her dominance as animal worthy of the title 'Battlecat' would!

Erin and I haven't been sleeping much and we spend all of our free time with her. Erin has been coming home straight after school and studying on her bed to hang out with Battlecat, and I have been getting up at 5:40 to take her for walks before work!

Well..... I must return downstairs to Battlecat's lair so Erin can get some work done.

Enjoy Danny's tune whilst you gaze upon Battlecat!


The Bearded said...

Congrats on the adoption!

I have only one question: when does Battlecat get her battle gear (helmet and vest)?

Anonymous said...

Jake, I want it on the record that I listened to the song whilst beholding her highness, battlecat, or "BC" for short. When does BC get her own blog?

Rockin to the music.

The Cactus Tamer

shantijoy said...

hey... is Erin feeling all better? If so, you better send her to the Kaleo slumber party!

Anonymous said...

yeah that comment did reak of "sarahandi" didn't it!! He usually saves that mush for home...guess he was feeling a bit fem. that day!

Battlecat is awesome!

John Roberson said...


Anonymous said...

battlecat is the coolest.

stop hurting yourself

I Love you both
