Monday, March 27, 2006

Tale of Two Cities

Long couple of weeks......

Erin and I had to drive to Dallas (the day after Grandpa passed) so we could catch a flight to the SLC the next morning (incidentally it was $800 less per person to fly out of Dallas....). The drive to Dallas worked out well as it meant that we got to see Brandy Patrick on back to back weekends... but I was also able to spend time with mi amore - Corey Duncan (and his wife was there also...) Corey and I stayed up until 3 and then we got up at 6 to go to the airport.

We drove up to Green River with Juanita and Joshnita and spent Friday evening at the family viewing and rosary service..... (I've not been to mass in sometime and when it came time for the 'Our Father' I realized a little too late that the "for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever" isn't recited....)

We spent alot of time with all of Erin's various relatives which was a lot of fun! We stayed Sat. night in a room with Jenny and Richie and their dog, Harley. On Sunday Juanita, Erin and I decided to go up to the gravesite (the funeral was on Saturday - thanks Mom & Dad, and Rud's for coming up). Right at was rounded a bend in front of the cemetery Juanita lets out a yelp..... "It's a bear!"

Allow me to post a visual comparison of the animal she saw and the animal she thought she saw:

A Polar Bear:

Actually it was a sheep:

But that's an honest mistake! So we had a good time joking about Juanita's 'Polar Bear.'

When Erin and I got back to Dallas on Tuesday - Marylin met us at the airport (DFW is an amazing airport BTW) and brought us back to Brandy's. We said to Brandy for a minute and got on the road.... we got back to Houston around 11:30 PM - went to work Wed and Thursday and Friday morning we flew to Chicago for Sticky's wedding where I had the honor of serving as best man!

I was going to post some wedding pictures but blogger is having upload issues.... weak blogger.... not strong.

Tomorrow: wedding pics.

1 comment:

The Bearded said...

Polar Bear vs Farmyard Sheep...kinda like He-Man's Battlecat vs the "Texas" Battlecat? Am I mistaken? Or maybe it's more on the order of "SLC" Mexican food vs "Michigan" Mexican food.