Wednesday, March 15, 2006

For Joe.

Earlier today Erin and I got the news that her grandfather Joe 'Ross' Vigil passed away after a 2-month struggle to recover from a massive stroke. I knew Joe as a story-teller. Every time I saw him - he had a story.... about eating horse meat when he served in the military or catching a train to Denver for a Broncos game.... from a fishing yarn to nights of jitterbug dancing with his wife - the man was overflowing with memories. As I sit here I'm unsure of how to react. Death is where the rubber meets the road for faith.... as much as humanity is concerned with our purpose here on Earth - I think we're all driven by the question of what happens when we die - and as Christians if there's no hope in death then we are irrelevant. We have nothing to say if we can't say death is ultimately beautiful.

We are all created as image bearers of the One God and from birth until our last breath - every scar and crinkle of our visage is reflective of something wholly other. That God would take on flesh and die gives us hope. That God is so consumed by zeal for His Holiness that He would put to death His Son for our sins is beautiful - and that we are offered hope of life eternal with Him because of the Son is something altogether other.... I don't have a word for that. So there is beauty in the passing of a saint - out of this world to a place where there is no suffering - just the radiance of a broken lamb in a forever healed body.

For a man who's stories I'd only 5 years to hear - now with the Story everlasting:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit brother, Amen.

Goodbye Grandpa.


Anonymous said...

Jake and Erin,

What a great tribute to Grandpa Joe. I am glad that I had the opportunity to meet him in his element....sharing stories over a nice hot bowl of chile verde. I could try to wax poetic for you and try to make you feel better with words but I'm sure it would just feel empty. Know that Rachael and I are praying for you and Erin's family in this time of loss. Truly if there is anything we can do to help you out please let us know.

Sean and Rachael

Joel Burdeaux said...

And may His grace and peace be with you as well.

We love you,

Joel and Heather

Anonymous said...

Grandpa Joe sounded a lot like my Paw Paw...true story tellers! I'm praying for ya'll. Do you have plans to come out for services? Would love to see you and do anything if you need help!

Danny said...

It was good to see you, and also good to receive a classic Jake Umbriaco righteousness beatdown. :D

Accepting the teaching is easy, doing it, on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

Jake, Jacob, hi.

Behold, Google delivered me here; never mind that they might soon be eclipsing Microsoft in overtaking-everything power, but here I am.

I'm sorry to hear about Erin's dad. Definitely a time for prayer.

How excited was I to learn that you're married--and Texas, too? Most Texans I've met, I've liked; so it sounds like a good place.

You occurred to me today because I was wishing for more association with people whose standards were really high, who could understand why I would eschew things that bring me down and cling to others--like the scriptures, like a life that is as close to God as I can get it. I am also a displaced Utahn--and these are the first days when I even call myself that--and most people I meet don't know God, and it sometimes it is hard to stand alone, you know? I have to say no to many things many times that would drive me away from God, and it is reassuring to read your entries and remember that indeed there are masses of people who search for and want truth, who use Jesus Christ as an example. I actually remember you wearing a WWJD bracelet; I think it was when they had just before they had begun to be popular. I just am thrilled to see that you have remained so faithful, so scripture-reading, praying, etc. Layton, Houston, wherever; the world needs more people like you. (And thanks to your wife, too--I'm sure you keep each other that way; exactly what a marriage should be!)

Thanks for being good, thanks for being an example, thanks for helping me remember that I'm not alone in wanting to put into practice what is taught in the Bible. May you inspire others to do the same.