Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Happy Christmas!

Erin and I are in SLC right now.... sans Battlecat. We miss Battlecat very battlemuch.... we've acquired several toys for Battlecat and she will be showered with gifts upon our return. Battlecat is staying with BattleBill and Shannon Streger right now and is pictured below cuddling with Scout! (Thanks to Shannon for the picture).

It's been a really busy time for us. We spent Christmas Eve with family and left on Christmas day for WY to hang out with Erin's grandparents. On the 26th we went to Vernal to see Jenny and Richie's place and then to Duchesne to spend the night with Erin's dad..... who was gracious enough to drive us back to SLC on Tuesday.

Tuesday night we went to a get together at Clint's house where we saw many friends from far off lands! I think took pictures, so hop on over to his blog sometime soon to check them out.

Today Erin is at the clinic working with her mom. I saw my mom and my brothers this morning and am hanging out with Joshnita right now.... I just got the e-mail from Shannon so I wanted to post a picture of the battlelove of my life - Battlecat!

I'm looking forward to hanging out with friends and family over the next couple of days.... but mostly I really want to get back to Houston to give Battlecat a great big Battlehug!

Here's a question for the readers:

What was the most random gift you received for Christmas?

I received two in the category of random/awesome:

1) First prize goes to my dad who got Erin and I battling sumo robots (complete with artificial intelligence)! My dad was so stoked about this gift! And I am too... you can program different moves and sumo the night away..... Erin is going down as soon as we get back!

2) Masters of the Universe DVD - this was a love offering from! This classic film features action hero Dolph Lundgren so it has to be good!

Happy Christmas.... Happy New Year

Erin and I miss all our human friends.... but especially Battlecat.


Anonymous said...

Ooohhh... Masters of the Universe is amazing - I want to watch all the bonus features on the DVD. Frank Langella as Skeletor was incredible. I could have done without Gwildor the deformed troll, but all in all a classic movie.

Anonymous said...

I once recieved a 6 pack of canned asparagus from my grandma because she new how much I loved asparagus...I also recieved a chia pet once but I am not sure if that is too random, more cliche than anything!

glad you liked the pics!

Anonymous said...

You know Jake, the first time I came across your blog the top couple of entries were all about Battlecat and I thought that you used your blog to write really bad/weird fiction. :) I now know that Battlecat is an animal, and feel a little bit better about the whole thing. I must admit I can never truly wrap my head around people and their pets though. I have never been a huge pet person really. I like having them around and I like other people's pets, but just don't get very attached.

Glad you're having a good Christmas. We should get together when you guys get back.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jake and Erin!

shantijoy said...

Jake & Erin - can you come to dinner this week?

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if your brother Joel went to SUU for awhile and was a Sigma Nu? I was in Delta Psi down there! Hope he is doing well! Fun how things work!
Kellie (

John Roberson said...

I got From Justin To Kelly.