Monday, December 05, 2005

Assume the position

So I had to get a physical for work on Friday...... as I'm sitting there in the doctor's office I begin to read the checklist of things required for this particular physical.....and what to my wondering eyes should appear - how 'bout 'rectal exam'?

As panic courses through my body I'm hit with the realization that this exam will be 'proctored' by an all female staff. This is about the time when the medical assistant hands me a gown.... a backless gown, it's more like an apron and I'm instructed to disrobe and put that gown on..... now I'm freaking out!

So... I'm sitting there in my robe/miniskirt, legs crossed to preserve what little dignity I have left, and the oldest of the three women in the room tells me that I won't be needing the rectal exam because I'm too young for that to be an issue.....of course two women had to be present for my hernia exam which was very uncomfortable, and the staff gives a light knock on the door on their way in.... there's no pause.... so when I'm finally able to put my clothes back on, I'm scrambling.

Long day......

Anyway - just thought I'd share that story.




Anonymous said...

Hey Jake, it is Des, from high school! I found your blog and thought I'd say hi! I also emailed you and I'd love to hear back form you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ah, I'm rapidly approaching the age where I will require the annual prostate exams (30).

Be careful when it happens - I understand that the prostate can be an intense erogenous zone for some men (not that there's anything wrong with that). A friend of mine requested a prostate exam in his annual check-up (most men obviously don't request this, especially under the age of 40), and the doctor gave him an askance look and questioned his intentions. How much worse would that be?

Because of the threat, the short-lived humiliation is better than fully developed cancer, though - at least that's my take.


Anonymous said...


Every year, my friend, eavery year.

30 physicals done. 3 (maybe 2) to go.

Just wait for all those other joys of getting old I forgot to warn you about....

A friend.......

CCR said...

You uhh, ... ever serve time, doc?

Proctor Farthing: "I'm afraid you suffer from pyro-flatulation."

And my third crude reference: "Moon River .."

Thank you for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

yeah, it's about 40-50 years old that we have to start worrying about dr. jellyfinger. hopefully by then they'll have a simpler test that doesn't involve...touching. same with the hernia one. female staff? that's brutal!