Friday, October 14, 2005

D Webb revisited.....

On Wed. night, Erin and I got to do a couple of things which were amazing.....and both of them have to do with Derek Webb!

So we went to see Derek Webb at First baptist on Wed.... and who should be standing in the foyer to give us directions but Gregg Matte... the pastor of FBC Houston... so that was cool because Greg preached the week I came to faith in Christ at Glorietta, NM so I talked to him for a little minute and then Erin and I headed off to see Derek Webb...... we had to leave early so I could make my indoor game (where my team played well but eventually went down to a Mexican team with incredible ball control skills....) so that was a bummer.... but Derek did sing "Somewhere North of Here" and "Table for Two"....... Anyway - Derek puts on a great show... and it's been weird to see him live... because I love Derek Webb (I'm currently trying hard to deal with the fact that deep down, I'm a gushing fan.....) but his shows are always pretty empty..... I guess that's because he's not on the radio...... so Derek played a lot of his stuff off his new record, which I could groove along too as I'd heard it all like a month ago when he was in town and then he talked some blood water mission which was also good.

Today (Fri) is my day off..... and what do I do with my day off?
Well - I take Erin to school.... then I take the Jeep to get registered and weep bitterly as I have to dispose of my Utah plates..... then I wait for 7 hrs and counting for the carpet people to come over and assess any damage from the water that leaked into our bedroom during Rita......

It's kind of a bummer to just chill out here all day... I really wanted to go out and about on my day off..... but alas.... I remain here..... at least the door guy came over.....

Not a lot going on this weekend for me..... I assume I'll do some chores.... and then find creative ways to occupy my time whilst Erin studies.....

OK.... here's a good use of time:

Another limerick concering the mythical beast "Battlecat"

"Battlecat" they called to their dog,
A quadripedal companion through all life's fog,
He romped toward us with grace
and he licked my face
And returned to reality's smog.


Anonymous said...

your a cute lil jake cow

The Bearded said...

Close one at Mile High. Were you sweating? Thank the good Lord for Rod Smith. My roommate, who's from Longmont, and I watched nervously as the Patriots fought their way back into the game. I'm glad it didn't come down to my boy Adam V (RC connection) to decide the game.

Now if the Avs could follow suite I'd be in Heaven!!! I think they're in good shape once Hejduk returns to the line-up.

ps--I took a gander at the roaring llama. Hilarious! Where does someone find such pics?

wears thai pants said...

wow, good thing you talked to me on the phone saturday for like an hour! :) Actually really enjoyed catching up and getting your advice so thanks.
Was sad to see your utes go down I wore my little ute socks and everything and sang to the crimson man song but to no avail. Still we had fun at the game.

Note for The Bearded- you should ask Paul, there is actually a llama song which we found with the picture.

Anonymous said...

i once thought i had mono for a year, but it just turned out i was really bored....the forecasting is malicious

Anonymous said...


Please, Please..... check Paul's BLOG for the LLama Song. Perhaps on those boring days you could sit and sing along!

Mr Rud

Anonymous said...

Hi there " jake & erin " --- I was in the search engines researching SEO Software when I came upon your blog..... I don't know if you are out of place in the engines, or I am out of place and just don't realize it :-)