Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Must be nothing

So this weekend, Erin and I had our first overnight guest (other than our dads): John Roberson ( John is going to be an intern for RUF here at Rice and happened to be passing through town, so we had some dinner and hung out. The night he stayed over also happened to be the night I met (for the first time) several neighbors.... John and I were outside talking and I'm pretty sure the people we met were thinking that John and I maintained an "alternative" lifestyle... so I did my best to make sure that everyone knew that my wife was upstairs...

Today in the sports page of the Houston Chronicle there were several articles on training camp for the Houston Texans.... among them was a blurb and a picture with David Carr and the man who holds the key to you best life now - Joel Osteen: pastor of Lakewood Church.

As I was thinking of that image and pondering what they might be discussing - I noticed how skeptical I am of the faith of certain high profile celebrities like Michael Irvin and "Neon" Deion Sanders..... I wonder if somewhere along the way - the line between discernment and discrimination became blurred and I've stepped over into the realm of the jaded. Where I once was a man who wanted only the simple declaration of Christ and Him crucified to be sure of one's faith, I now require works - works that fit my criteria... along with a statement of doctrine (submitted in triplicate).

Ryle's Holiness exhorts the reader to consider heaven and the people assembled there, and how we'd handle being there.... are we preparing ourselves for heaven? Or as Dr. Davis of FBC Durham puts it: how is God preparing you for glory today? I pray that I'm growing in the grace of Christ - after all... How do you love God whom you can't see unless you love your brother whom you can see?

Allow me to close with a limerick composed for a cockroach I encountered on the street a couple of nights ago:

There once was a roach on the street,
On it's bodice I did stamp with my feet.
The roach could not hide
From my vengeful stride
And it's evil advance I did beat.

P.S. This post was composed on Erin's new laptop!!!!


jake and erin said...

Guess what? Last night I was at the grocery store getting some OJ for my poor sick wife.... and "You're the Meaning in My Life" was playing on the radio... so I just rocked out to it in the dairy aisle... it was amazing. I'm glad to see that my limericks have impacted many lives.

Danny said...

"Where I once was a man who wanted only the simple declaration of Christ and Him crucified to be sure of one's faith, I now require works - works that fit my criteria... along with a statement of doctrine (submitted in triplicate)."

Hear, hear! I agree with the whole idea of becoming jaded, and/ or becoming proud of things that aren't Christ crucified. To wit, the following effective statements of untruth from my life:

(Starting service: Sarcasm...[OK])

1. No one enjoying even moderate material success is likely to have real faith. Anyone making more than $39,999/ year (net), is incapable of believing in Christ. God's grace cannot operate on people over the median income. Ever.

2. Any body of believers that exceeds 200 members is suspect and must be monitored closely. Corollary: The growth of God's Kingdom is good, so long as the Kingdom remains small enough for it to be comfortable.

3. If it's hard to accept, it must therefore be unequivocally true. Always.

4. You must be very careful, when praying, to express correct theology. This is especially true in public. Communal prayer is NOT time to speak with God in the fellowship of others, but rather the time to show everyone that you've got your facts straight. Prove your knowledge at every opportunity, for the Final Judgement will come in the form of a standardized test. There will be essay questions. Salvation is assured for those with a score of greater than 65%.

5. Grace is freely given and sufficient to save you only when you're being good. Your failings require you to add something to the work of the Cross. This is only true for you.

6. If God's Grace is taking time to operate, that cannot be His will. Ever.

7. If you pray for a thorn in your flesh to be removed, and it is not then removed, you must not be trying hard enough. Paul's discourse on the subject and his reliance on Grace are to be strenuously ignored.

8. Males with poor self-control are not saved by Grace. The method for their salvation is described in the unknown, invisible section of the Bible titled: Do It Yourself, I Love Everyone Except You.

9. Your relationship with God is defined by how miserable you are. If you aren't constantly crushed by guilt to the point of incapacitation, you are outside of God's loving discipline. No parent would ever correct a child in gentleness and love, especially when the child values their relationship with their parent. A good relationship is defined by more and more severe beatings. God cannot change his discipline as He sees fit for your situation. What was right for you in the past is right for you now and forever.

(On the culture shock of being plugged into New Song)

10. Any and all liturgy is suspect. Any body that can start a service on time is suspect. The most faithful pastors are late, the truest services are unstructured, and the worship most acceptable to God is that where as few people as possible know what is going on. Being clueless is a sure sign of great faith.

11. When Satan accuses you, listen carefully. He's telling whole truth.

(Stopping service: Sarcasm...[OK])

Sorry for the length, but I was on a roll. I think I'll post this on my blog. :)

Benj said...

I must say, I had no idea what an amazing limerick writer (limericist?) you are, Jake. I saw the one you wrote about John and I must say it is pretty spot on.