Monday, June 06, 2005

Thank You Sandra McCracken

OK.... here's the weekend update (minus the pictures... when Erin and I get through Season 2 of Gilmore Girls... then I might have time on a weeknight for posting pictures, but until then....)

On Saturday I got a haircut... Erin and I walked through the largest Bed, Bath & Beyond we've ever been in (Thanks Amie, Jared, & Salt Co for the gift card!) we ate some Mexican food and saw Monster-In-Law.... the theatre was pretty ghetto.... but it reminded me a lot of the ghetto theatre I used to frequent when I was living in WA so it gets 3 nostalgia points... Erin and I were both mildly disappointed with the flick, but who can have high expectations for J Lo?

On Sunday we went to Christ the King Pres... and saw a picture of Eric James' dad in the bulletin, the session is considering him as an elder... we looked for him and asked several people to point him out after service, but we missed him.....

The Rev. Leo Schuster used anthropomorphism in the context of his message, much to my delight. They played that actual in your hymnbook arrangement of "And can it be that I should gain" which sort of freaked me out when I was trying to sing along... so I just want to express my gratitude to Indellible Grace for 'updating' the music a wee bit.....

After church Erin and I went to a garden shop like a block from the church and bought some flowers and peppers for her to plant... and today she got a tomato plant so I guess we're all set! We bummed around the Galleria a little bit, but Erin was in heels, and her feet were on the verge of perishing so we went home.

All in all, a relaxing weekend!


Anonymous said...

word up homie jnizzle sounds like a sweet weekend.

much love

-the jizzle


Danny said...

Good to hear that you're getting settled, especially with your avowed dislike for the location.

When are we going to figure out how to put your new "whole house" entertainment system in the proper places?

Grace, Peace, V, and Hz.

Anonymous said...

Jake Happy Birthday. I hope to see pictures soon.

little Moe