Saturday, June 11, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me

Yesterday was my 24th birthday....

Being 24 years old gives you a lot of perspective that 23 year olds just don't have..... not really... but you do have more presents!

Anyway - I had to work yesterday so I could get this coming Friday off for Jenny's wedding. This worked out well, because they happened to have extra tickets for a suite to tonights Astros game... so Erin and I get to sit in a suite, eat really good food, and watch Roger Clemens pitch!!!!!

I'm not much of a baseball fan (ever since the A's traded Jose Canseco...) but who wouldn't be excited to see Clemens throw.

After I got home from work, Erin and I sat on the Love Sac and opened presents.... then we went to eat at Hickory Hollow Restaurant with Hieu. Hieu, of course, out ate me... this goes w/o saying..... but so you know what was on the menu, I enjoyed their Zagat rated chicken fried steak, sliced beef, and BBQ chicken (white meat), with a side of grilled zucchini and fries.... mmmmm.....

After we ate we sampled some of the live bluegrass being performed then adjourned for cake and ice-cream at our house! All in all, a good day - I got to talk to lots of people, and I ate lots of food.

This Sunday, Erin and I are going to attend Grace Reformed Baptist Church ( w/ Paul McCarley's friends Justin and Rebecca.... and we'll hang out with them until Erin has to go to the airport. Erin's headed back to SLC for Jenny's wedding. Paul is coming to Houston for business, so I'm looking forward to hanging out with him!

Also of note: Today, my parents - who recently located my blog (hooray mom for stepping out into technology!!!) are headed to the UK to tour around and visit Aunt Dorothy!!!! Hello Aunt Dorothy! So Mom and Dad, if you read this, just remember you're flying into Manchester, and my favorite club is Manchester United, so if you happen upon a Van Nistelrooy jersey or a hat or jacket or warm-ups or anything really... just think of your middle child here in Houston....

P.S. Happy B-Day to Jedd Austin (cousin -in-law for me... I suppose... not sure how that works), nonetheless, Jedd's a Cubs fan and a super dad so happy b-day Jedd, and happy pre-b-day to J-Rad (who's real b-day is Wed.)


John E said...

I know you're a United fan, but did I really just read that you want a Van Nistelrooy jersy??!! C'mon Jake, I thought you were better than that!


Danny said...

Mizzany happizzle retizzles.

Anonymous said...

Hold on, let me recap this ...

Genuine BBQ, live Bluegrass, watching the 'Stros from a suite.

Behold with what haste the reddening of the neck doth occur.

Maybe your parents should bring you back a giant Manchester United belt-buckle.

The Bearded said...

Happy belated birthday! I didn't know so no blame can be passed my way.

I've been on the road so that would be why my blog hasn't been updated in a while. What's your excuse?!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there " jake & erin " --- I was in the search engines researching SEO Software when I came upon your blog..... I don't know if you are out of place in the engines, or I am out of place and just don't realize it :-)