Thursday, June 30, 2005

Mini Post

I meant to write a long post about Bonhoeffer (I'm really being impacted by the Bonhoeffer and Keller double dosage...) and Tim Keller.... I've been listening over and over again to Keller's message "Should I Not Love that Great City" ( and that combined with Bonhoeffer is really getting my social action groove worked up.

Anyway, Erin is one metric bummer today.... she had a really bad headache and stayed in bed all day... so that sucks.... but on the plus side we did go to bed before 10 last night, so I got 8 hrs of sleep!!!!!

Quick weekend review: Erin and I saw Batman Begins and I thought it was Marvy! I really liked it (maybe because I've seen all the other Batmans...) we went to Ecclesia for service on Sunday night and that was pretty good. This Sunday we're going to check out Sovereign Grace Houston... Reformed Soteriology and Charismatic Worship.... what a combo... I'm going to learn the five solas in tongues! Actually I'm not sure what to expect...

Jon got back from Thailand yesterday and my parents get home from the UK on Saturday so that's exciting!

OK... well I suppose that's all I have time for... I need to get back to taking care of Erin.


Danny said...

>one metric bummer

Is that the bummer where the standard is the type of day you would have if 1000 galaxies all exploded at the same instant?

(This is in contrast to the English bummer, which was measured as the unhappiness caused by having the current king sit on you.)

Grace, Peace, V, and Hz.

jake and erin said...

Danny... 1000 galaxies would be a kiloBummer I believe....

Anonymous said...

i love you jake pow....uhh good call Danny


Anonymous said...

you don't answer email yet you have time for a blog?? talk about a metric I had to find out what a blog was before I could check yours...learning about new technology, thats how much I miss you.
God Bless TX

Anonymous said...

...was reading old blogs and saw someone stole your I hate beanie babies shirt...biggest travesty ever!will have to make you another just for posterity.

jake and erin said...

Weak Amy,

A blog is like a bulk e-mail to the world.... everytime I blog I am, in a sense e-mailing you....

Anyway I realize I've been nothing short of slacker in the e-mail dept and I smack myself over the head with a pot three times a night, every night just thinking about it....

Anonymous said...

a song-
It was a clear black night,a clear
white moon, me (the warren G) trying to consume, i's hook a left
on two on and louis, some brotha shooting dice so I said "lets do this" cuz I the warren to the G.

another song
'Cause God blessed Texas with His own hand
Brought down angels from the promised land
Gave 'em a place where they could dance
If you wanna see heaven brother here's your chance
I've been sent to spread the message
God blessed Texas

-and with that we cue the music

Let's go to Canada, let's leave today,
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait.
Please, please, explain to me,
How this all has come to be,
We forgot to mention something here.
Did we say that William Shatner is a native citizen?
And Slurpees made from venison,
That's deer.
Let's go to Canada, let's leave today

Just wanted to drop you a line in the final hours before I leave for toronto,canada
aye hosier


Anonymous said...

Hi there " jake & erin " --- I was in the search engines researching SEO Software when I came upon your blog..... I don't know if you are out of place in the engines, or I am out of place and just don't realize it :-)