Monday, May 09, 2005

I Rule (Updated)

New Minesweeper High: 101 on Expert.....

Weekend Update: Our realtor called and said there's no way we can close until May 27th.... this has thrown a wrench into our plans for a variety of reasons which include cancellation fees on non-refundable plane tickets, the propsect of having to move our stuff into storage for a week, and the fact that we now have to miss Ethan's wedding.

I feel like a moron about missing Ethan's wedding.... we were so unsure about whether or not we could afford to go, and then we found amazing plane fares, and then we received "confirmation" from the builder that we could close on the 20th... so I had Ethan and Arwynn scouting out friends we could crash with while we were there.... and now I have to call and tell him I can't be an Usher in the wedding...... this is probably more grievous to me than the other financial screwjobs that may result from this..... but I guess that's the way new builds go.

I also feel lame because Jim Rudnicki (if you don't know the Rudnicki's we probably don't hang out much.....but we classify them as relatives) was going to drive down with my dad, and had gone through great lenghts to get time off of work, and now we can't even go that weekend.

Erin shot me some Mt 6 when I was freaking out about the possibility of this scenario occurring a couple of weeks ago, and I've been reading over the Sermon on the Mount ever since, and I think we handled the shaft pretty well upon receiving it.

So, it looks like we're here for another week, which is probably best for Erin and I's sanity as we're quite far behind on the whole packing thing.....

Clint was out of town this weekend, so I was supposed to give the message at Summit - and I was really blessed by the turn out. There were 6 of us this Sunday (due in large part to the fact that it was Mother's Day, Finals just ended, and Salt Co went on a trip to Moab) and we had some roundtable discussion on the Sermon on the Mount.... I was really moved by the working of the Lord in that situation.... one of my struggles in unbelief is the notion that numbers necessarily imply the Lord's favor - and that the message is somehow wasted when few people show up... so I was glad and ready to be rebuked by Christ' message in Mt Ch 5-7.

This is my last week at work.

grace and peace,


jake and erin said...

Yesterday evening Erin, Rachel, and I spent several hours fashioning 'dish' boxes out of other boxes.... no finer way to spend an evening in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

weak I didn't make it into a blog:(
