Monday, June 23, 2008

Shaq Fu - Tha Return

Sometimes post titles have nothing to do with the content of a post..... although the headline story today on ESPN is the thrilling tale of Shaq 'dissing' Kobe whilst dropping some freestyle rhymes on a NYC night club. Gripping stuff really.... not a day goes by when I don't look deep into the mirror and ask: When will Shaq and Kobe make up... then I shed a tear.... and pluck my eyebrows. I'm a complex man.

On to other matters: I preached again this Sunday on Galatians 3:15-26. Here's the link:

This weekend was especially cool because my Dad came out to visit us! That's two weekends in a row with visitors. Of course the only pictures we have of the last two weekends involve our dogs...

My Dad and I went to see Get Smart on Friday and loved it. We used to watch the original series on Nick at Nite when I was growing up. We're big fans of slapstick humour... and anything within 6 degrees of separation from Mel Brooks. Friday night we took the dogs over to the Miller Outdoor Theatre to see the Houston Symphony.... Erin even let me get KFC for the occasion. Erin didn't attend the Get Smart viewing in part because she thought the movie looked inane...but mostly because she'd been hanging out at our house for the last two weeks waiting for people to replace the carpet in our bedroom with hardwoods. They'd just put the hardwoods in on Friday morning and she wasn't so excited about leaving the dogs to run around on the new floor while we all went to a movie.

We watched a lot of Planet Earth while my Dad was here... and Kelsey loves Planet Earth. There was a fox on the show and she walked up to the TV to sniff it.... she was transfixed by all the birds etc - it's Kelsey's favorite thing to watch now. We also watched some intense Euro 2008 quarterfinals matches and took naps on the couch. All in all it was a pretty chill weekend.

Anyway it was really cool to have my Dad in town for a visit and I was really excited to have him at church on a Sunday that I got to preach.

The dogs like Brandy better than us.....

Kelsey doing her part to aid in our quest for a relaxing weekend.

Battlecat doing a little bit of the same... just picture my Dad in the same position and that's how he spent most afternoons!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never seen you Dad look like that. Is Battlecat snoring?