Sunday, June 15, 2008

Galatians and Brandy!

Brandy came down for the weekend to hang out with us... and the dogs have decided that they like her best. They got all depressed when Brandy had lunch with a friend on Saturday and rejoiced upon her arrival back at our place. Brandy is a big Yankees fan... and they swept the Astros this weekend. In celebration of her last evening staying with us they beat down the Astros something like 13-0.

In other news:

I got to preach today on Galatians 3:1-14, and I'm preaching next week on the rest of the chapter. I actually plugged in the wireless mic thing today so it got recorded.

Here's the link:

-all for now


Dmaland said...

I'd call that a pretty epic sermon, Mr. J.

jake and erin said...

Epic in terms of quality or length?

Dmaland said...

Quality AND length. You covered a LOT of ground, and did so very well. I enjoyed it.

Joel said...

I started a blog!
