Monday, July 18, 2005

What've we got in this thing.... a cuisinart?

This just in: On Aug. 27th, Derek Webb will be playing a show in Alvin, TX - and the speaker for the evening will be the youth minister for that bastion of doctrinal purity - Lakewood Church (Incidentally - if you're not living your best life now, there's a book available just for you....). I can't wait for this show - I'm actually really encouraged, I hope a lot of people show up... I hope that God rescues Osteen and revolutionizes the lives of all the people who are in the grasp of that ministry, and I hope that the truth is proclaimed loudly through Derek's music and teaching at this event.

I read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince this weekend - and I need to give it a month and then I'll read it again...Erin needs to read it this week so we can discuss it.... I can't wait. I'm thinking of starting on The Chronicle of Narnia... but for now I've the Normal Christian Life and set of Italian Language CD's to keep me company on my train rides to and from work.

Erin has orientation for med school all next week and she starts on Aug. 1st... I'm really proud of my wife.

Last night Erin and I were reading at our dinner table, and were visited by a large, unwelcome guest...... a speedy little bugger if you will. That's right kiddos our first roach. I tried to spray it, but that wasn't working out, so I pounced on it with some paper towel, and it kept on kicking..... so I applied somer serious pressure and twisting - and the struggle was over. Roaches are gross....

On a more somber note: I got an e-mail from my dad that my cousin Dan - who'd just returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan was paralyzed in a pool accident. Here's the link to the news story:

A lot of prayers to be said for Dan and his family....

And please be praying for Erin as she is at last able to start on her journey toward becoming a doctor.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Prov. 16:9

Amen, Lord Jesus


Paul said...

Very sorry to hear about Dan.

Roaches are durable creatures, have you tried windex? Perhaps a household sledge hammer is in order?


Danny said...

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Prov. 16:9"

My life is a testament to that.

Preach on!

CCR said...

It was only a matter of time before you became intimately acquainted with two unstoppable forces of great size ...
(1) the Tejano Cucaracha, that Tex-Mex, hard-shell, winged but only semi-flight-worthy pest that comes out mostly at night, and ...
(2) the positive vibin' but mostly biblically illiterate mega-church

About the roaches - they'll be living just outside, and in the late evening you'll see them basking in the dim smoggy dusk-light, sitting like giant oval stains on the side of the buildings.
Once when Wanda & I lived in Ft. Worth, we were watching X-Files one night w/ all the lights off, when a massive specimen walked right across the screen; at first I wondered if it was a special effect - part of the show itself - but then I was annoyed since the colossus was blocking most of the action.
And if you step on one, you better put all your weight on it or it will take a few steps more bearing most of your weight on its back.

As to my thoughts on the Rev. Osteen, see my nearly lewd cycnical remarks regarding your adoration of him on Dino's blog of a couple of weeks ago when he spoke of their new facility.

Anonymous said...


My name is John. I actually live in Alvin and a member of the college group that is putting this event on. Hope to see you there.