Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sticks & Snoop

One of my classmates got a new beagle puppy, Snoop. We've all been going to the dog park together for a few weeks now so Snoop can become accustomed to other dogs and so all the dogs can run their energy out.
Snoop is very cute and still quite little...but each week he becomes a little braver in interacting with Kelsey & Battlecat. He so far has found Kelsey's long wagging tail quite interesting, and will sneak up behind her...but if she moves at all, he turns and dashes away, usually to under the bench where his mom and I are sitting. This week as you can see he became more playful and quite brave as he came right up to both dogs!

And of course there are always great sticks for everyone's chewing pleasure at the dog park.

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