Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sad & Lonely

Erin has abandoned me for her studies.....

Battlecat abandoned me for Erin......

.... and my TV abandoned me at the repair shop for the hands of a random thief. If I had a picture of this particular act, I'd have turned it over to the police....

So what does a man do with no wife, dog, or TV? Laundry..... and cleaning the kitchen.


Jim said...

Sigh, So Sad. There's always the Broncos on

Imagining Jake out on the street today, holding a sign...

"Will do your laundry for free, just let me watch the Broncos!"


Anonymous said...

your TV got jacked? man, that sucks!

Anonymous said...

We'll party it up in SLC when you get here to make up for your sadness :(

Jim said...

After the way the Broncs sucked it up, maybe God was trying to protect you!

jake and erin said...


CCR said...

A man who owns & watches 'Gilmore Girls' DVD's (and admits it) deserves to have his TV jacked ... and to have the TV-nappers call with sounds of their torturing the appliance in unusually cruel ways, and then to have a video sent to you of the TV-terrorists forcing the conversion of your TV to Islam & subsequently executing it on tape, as well as periodically mailing you parts of it.

And there will be no Steven Seagall to save your TV in the waning moments, for you committed apostasy against him and he stands in judgment over you (with his pony-tail and Native American leather jacket, as I imagine it).

Yo-Mo-Fo said...

Man that sucks, cuz yo dog has it goin on if you know what I mean...and I think you do. Maybe somehow, in some unintentional way you took away something someone really loved, so they in return took your T.V. Well look on the brighter side, now you can "go to a friends house" aka- local sports pub (where everyone is your friend) and watch the bronc's prance around in their tight uniforms. I love you...I wish I could be that bronco in a tight uniform, prancing around for you-jk, but i would if you wanted, cuz I'm a friend

John Roberson said...

And then he calls John!