Thursday, November 16, 2006


This weekend Erin and I went to Ft. Worth for Jason Brewer's Wedding.... Jason was my roommate in Seattle! We stayed with Brandy (Battlecat met Daisy) and since we were in town, we went to the MLS Cup Final.... the 2nd overtime period was amazing, and we were sitting in the Houston Supporters section..... people were crazy.... flags everywhere... orange gas...... just nuts.... what an amazing experience. The Dynamo won for those who don't know.... and if you are looking for some entertaining soccer discussion.... you have to check out and listen to MLS Radio.... Jimmy Conrad is incredibly funny to listen to... and most of the players that come on the show are quite candid in their responses.....

In addition to attending the MLS Cup Final... Erin and I would like to announce that we are adopting a girl!

We've been trying to find a sister for Battlecat for over 6 months.... and the perfect girl has become available for adoption. Bluebell is currently being fostered by a family in SLC... and she is going to fly back with us after Christmas to meet her new sister!

(Bluebell is in the middle)

Other than that, Erin and I are looking forward to the arrival of Lynn and Joshnita for Thanksgiving. Erin is at the beginning of the long road leading to her final basic sciences exam on Dec. 15th..... she is studying all the time and always needs prayer.... Erin learned how to do some of the more 'uncomfortable' examinations one might receive at a physical recently in school.... I'm so proud of her....

I'm sure I'll post again sometime soon...


Anonymous said...

As long as she's not practicing at home. *cough*

So, BLUEBELL! That is super exciting - the world of multiple dog ownership is a fun one. So, you'll have to bring your 2 to play with my 3 and have the grand total FIVE dogs in the backyard. It will be grand.

Yo-Mo-Fo said...

Jake you never cease to amaze're like a wise oracle, or better yet, a younger more attractive John Madden. But I'm glad to hear your house will be filled with another do you do it? I would've thought a boy dog woulda come into play, come on, give Battlecat some fun. A little excitement! Let her earn that name!

Jim said...

Jake, This will be the end of "peace" as you know it. Trust me. You should see our pair about 5 seconds after the alarm goes off!

The best news is that you will no longer no who to blame!

Each dog will blame the other!

But hey, life is fun!

Mr. R

Anonymous said...

Bluebell...what a GREAT TEXas name. I almost named Alamo that :)

Anonymous said...

I hope she is not practicing these new physical moves on you or anything near your rear....

John Roberson said...

I think you were born to sport Dynamo pride.

(P.S.: What lunatic is trying to steal my name -J?)
