Thursday, October 05, 2006

Back in Houston..... modeling an old school leather Bronco helmet.....

I was on the campuses of CU, CSU, and WY last week for work, and the highlight was meeting Chris at the Denver Broncos store at the stadium! I picked up a hat with the really old logo (the horse not the D), a pacifier for our neighbor Abby G, and a collar for Battlecat so she can show the Broncos some love. Every time Abby G wears her Broncos onesie (pictured below)... they win.... so I figure maybe the pacifier can remind the Broncos not to suck....

Erin had this past weekend off of school as she had finished exams! To celebrate we cleaned one floor of our house and the main bathroom. Battlecat was quite sad as there were multiple vacuums running at the same time. We cleaned the fridge... the stove..... it was that kind of a weekend..... On Monday we did spend a little bit of time actually hanging out... so on our neighbors recommendation we went to see 'Little Miss Sunshine'. By the end of this feature I'd nearly wet myself..... so if you can deal with a foul-mouthed and seriously inappropriate grandpa.... then you'll probably dig this show.

This past weekend was also the National Desiring God Conference at Bethlehem Baptist Church. The topic: The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World. The audio can be found here:

So far I've listened to Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll, and Voddie Baucham along with both Q&A sessions.... phenomenal.

Erin is back in school - so that's a bummer..... and Battlecat has runny poop which is a different form of bummer.

That is all for now.......

Please don't suck tonight Utes....


Anonymous said...

Little Miss Sunshine rocks....the last scene...peeing my pants as well. Sorry for the runny poo....Aly says howdy to Battlecat and good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

loved "...Sunshine"...we love steve carrell in general though. as for runny poop..did I ever tell you about Scout's first week living with us??

Brandy and Daisy said...

Jake! Erin! It has been too long with only a distance of 4 hrs between us! I have a ton to tell you all. Let's get together really soon. I think Dallas is calling your name! (What are your Thanksgiving Plans)? Is your life feeling fuller now that the Gilmore's are back in it?:)

Anonymous said...

aww, runny poop is never fun. yay for little miss sunshine. we enjoyed it.

aaand a helloooo to you and your lovely wife.