Friday, August 04, 2006

Back in School.... Back from Trips

Erin started school on Monday..... pardon me while I try to contain my excitement..... As you may have noticed... we've been absent from blogging lately. Here's why: Erin went to SLC after we got back from Belize and stayed there for the rest of the month. I had one week here with Battlecat.... alone..... one man cannot contain Battlecat. Jason & Julia had their baby! I went to SLC for a weekend visit, and then to the Canadian Rockies (eh) for a week long field course. Our neighbors Chris & Martha had their baby on Pioneer Day (that's the 24th o' July for you non-Utahns.....) they were elated to find out their baby was born on a state holiday! So.... Brandy is coming to visit us this weekend! We're going to a water park... I'm sure Erin and Brandy will sew something.... and we'll probably watch some Gilmore Girls. And now.... Pictures.

Aspen meets her new sister Allie

Erin and I went to the Red Iguana with some friends.... including: Amie and J-Rad

Rachael, Jonathan Hays, The Boom, Lazlo the Destroyer, Christina, Jon Pow

Destroyer, Christina, Jon-Pow, J-Rad, Amie

Two cute little llamas

SEAN... and Rachael

Bearded Lovin'


Canada..... ain't it pretty


el oso

I was studying fold and thrust features.....

What type of fold is exposed here?

Self-Portrait.... Katy Wiest captured in the background

Bald Eagle

Banff... again


The Bearded said...

I say we open a Red Iquana in Banff.

John E said...

Hi Jake - Nice pics! I really could use some good Mexican food. It's great to see Mr. Hays back in his natural habitat.


CCR said...

Wow all of you look older.

(a moment of thoughtful pause while I stroke my chin hairs & muse to myself: They grow up so fast).

At this same time I was dining in the OKC with the Webbs & Davisons, who send their collective love.

Sean and Rachael said...

You're back in school and I'm out! ha! Just giving you a hard time...I'll be back in school in two weeks. iguana.

Anonymous said...

I'm still so sad I didn't get to see ya'll when you were in the great SLC. Happy school can do it! blog about the TX flag...I'm highly upset!

Anonymous said...

We are a great collective on interesting people....