Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Blast from the Past

Here's some pictures from the vault:(R): Sean & Rachael (M): Us (L) J-rad & Amie & the lovely Jessica Tottenham is being held up. We're going to see Jess in Austin in a couple of weeks!
This is a picture of Erin & I opening wedding presents after we got back fom our honeymoon.
Here's a picture of our kitchen when we first moved in. This past weekend we helped a couple (Jason & Julia) move into their new house and I don't envy the long days of unpacking ahead of them....
Here's a picture of Battlecat & I in better days..... in recent times (read last night) Battlecat has been far more ferocious... she woke us up @ 3:45 am barking at a cat perched on our fence outside.... she wouldn't stop barking.... uggh... didn't get back to sleep until 4:30ish. Also in recent times the beard has taken a vacation.... Erin thinks it's too scratchy - so it's the goatee for awhile... but hopefully the beard will be back... I think shaving everday is scratchy.
Upcoming Events:
1) Erin has tests all next week
2) We are going to adopt a sister for Battlecat after her tests are finished!
3) We're going to visit Jess in Austin
4) My parents are coming to visit the second weekend in May!
Currently Reading:
I've had to shelf OP's Christ of the Covenants for now....I keep trying to read it at the gym... bad move... you have a rad voice OP - but you're too academic to read on the stair-thingy.... I've been reading Spurgeon at the gym and he's a lot easier to handle.
Christ and Culture - This is my train book along with Blink (a recommend from my work-friend Katy!) Right now I'm reading about the Christ against Culture view, and this (along with Covenant's Ancient Church History course) has confirmed my view that Tertullian was straight up wack.....
Grudem's Systematic - slowly but surely....
Newly Acquired: Horton's Intro to Covenant Theology (I'll probably have to read this one to better understand my boy OP). Roland Allen's Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or ours (next on tap for the train reading). Bavink's Reformed Dogmatics Vol2 (Thanks Dru!)....
Blue Like Jazz has been recommended by like 6000 individuals so I guess that will be my next gym read.... it sounds like a book I could be into whilst at the gym....
That is all....
peace out.


John E said...

Good idea, getting Battlecat a sister. Having two dogs is not really any more trouble than having one (although a bit more expense sometimes, especially if you have to ship them across the Atlantic). Ours really seem to appreciate each others company, especially if they are left alone in they day. Good luck choosing a sister for BC, hopefully it will help to tame her recent ferocity.


Anonymous said...

the number of books your reading makes my head spin!

Anonymous said...

Texas Texas yeehaww!! I'm so excited to see ya'll...and excited that I made the blog :) Sounds like Battlecat needs to get whipped into shape...let Aly at her for a few days! See you soon!

thirdfuerst said...

You owe me a phone call...

wears thai pants said...

Hooray for the goatee!

Sean and Rachael said...

Happy Easter! Erin, best of luck with your tests next's the final two weeks of the semester for me, so things are busy here to! Let us know when you will be in UT again!

Anonymous said...

as much as I love Bill and I (written in 3 words not one) being an "us" we will NEVER have a couples blog. Not my style..I enjoy being non-morphed in the blogging sense.

Both movies are definately worth the cash!!! IF you want a good action, presidential flick go see "The Sentinel" but if you wanna laugh your a** off go to "Thank you for Smoking".

I think this week we are gonna go see "American Dreams" (i think thats the title) which is a dark comedy like "...Smoking" about american pop culture and the utter rediculousness of it all did I just make up a new word and misspell it all at the same time??

I think your next dog should be a girl named "Shera"