Monday, January 09, 2006

What I'm up to lately

Because Erin has neglected her calling to the blogosphere... I shall post a brief update of what she's been up to. She just wrote a mini paper on the book - Mountains beyond Mountains about Dr. Paul Farmer's ( work in Haiti and other impoverished areas of the world. This book has really inspired Erin to begin considering international medicine and infectious disease - and I've really been into learning more about it with her as I've been re-awakened to a variety of social-justice issues.

Today I watched the instructional CD on how to use the Sumo Robots my Dad got Erin and I for Christmas! Soon I will be a sumo master!
I also got a great book called "I Love Mormons" for Christmas..... I've been reading it pretty much everyday since I've been back, and found it quite engaging so far. I appreciate the treatment of the LDS faithful as an ethnic group over-against the standard dismissal as a 'cult.' I'm about 80 pgs into and will have to give it a more thorough review when I'm finished.

This weekend Erin and I went over to Joel and Heather's house... we arrived there @7:45 ish and got back home 'round about 2 AM.....It's not like we watched three movies and climbed Kilimanjaro.... we were just hanging out - we had some dinner (thanks Heather!) and some RC Cola (thanks Joel).... and were blessed with some toots (thanks 'Bella). Holden was trapped in this closed-circuit loop of: Stand by the door.... sprint into the couch... fall over.... repeat. It reminded me of Erin's cousin Cy who went through a similar routine with our love sac (

Erin and I are stoked for the return of Gilmore Girls and Smallville episodes this week! Huzzah!
Tomorrow Robyn Day is in town to take a test for medical school - Robyn is a med student at the Univ. of Utah and a friend of ours (she went to Ethiopia with Erin) and we are excited to have her over.

Erin and I have decided to take Battlecat to doggy obedience school...... there she can harness her powers and learn to channel the Power of Greyskull.

I leave you with a limerick in tribute to Battlecat -

When you get in the back of the car
You drool wherever you are
On my lap, on the seat,
On Erin's arm or the street.
But you haven't pooped so far.


The Bearded said...

Let us know what you and Battlecat think of the book when you finish. There are a number of people we know that would be interested in such a book.

Say hello to Robyn and have her say hello to Jason for me. That's great that she's visiting...might they be moving to Houston?

Also...I had either not known or completely forgotten that Erin had gone to Ethiopia. I've been considering that as a destination once I finish (S 07). Are you guys still thinking about IICS?

Anonymous said...

man, what did Bill and I do to deserve Battle status? That's awesome!

jake and erin said...


Robyn was here to take a test... but they are not looking anywhere in the south she left for Ohio yesterday to interview. I did send her (and Jason) your greetings. I definitely need to keep in the back of my mind.

Dot Net,

Thanks for the comments about the design.... I wanted something new... but the pink was way too metro

Shannon - the Battle designation applies to anyone whom Battlecat deems worthy... you and Bill were Battle knighted because she graced your yard with her mark of approval - the Battlepoop

Danny said...

"Stand by the door.... sprint into the couch... fall over.... repeat."

Gravity and inertia have given so many of us simple and sublime pleasures.