Friday, January 25, 2013

12 Months!

 "Oh no, this again?!?" as he sinks down in misery...
I had actually delayed this photo shoot as I wanted to have him do his official 1 year photo shoot with the photographer first...but even though a week had passed, he was still not thrilled to see a camera
A little something to hold for distraction, and...we have smiles :)
 "Kissing"/eating his dinosaur

That a year has passed is unbelievable! I'm still trying to wrap my mind around having a one year old!   I am sad to see the baby days go...though he is growing into a little boy for sure. 
We are admittedly biased, but he is super cute and a lot of fun!

1 Year Check-up Stats: 21 lbs 0.5 oz, 30 inches
He also had his first dentist visit this month, which after a few initial moments of uncertainty, he did very well with and has 8 beautiful teeth
The big news this month is independent WALKING...all over the place!  A few days after his big 1st Birthday, he finally became brave enough to let go and now he's taken off. 
The dogs are still adjusting to this transition.

His favorite toy this month is a ball...the dogs have lots of differents balls, all of which Judah the dogs are suddenly interested in them because Judah is intersted in them :)
He also received his first real soccer ball (happy daddy) and fun trucks.
Some of Judah's other favorite activities include "helping" in the fridge, pantry, and dishwasher, which usually involves some climbing!  And stirring in his pot, while mommy and daddy cook. 
 Another fun activity this month has been outings to the park


Unknown said...

Yea for being one and walking! Oh dear Erin and Jake, each step of their lives is a process. Enjoy the moment and look forward to the next milestone for one day they grow and are gone, but the process sure is fun and memorable with no regrets.

Anonymous said...

Jake and Erin Enjoy the time with Judah. It will go by very fast. Judah is a joy and is very handsome. I love you all. From Judah's Nana