Monday, December 03, 2012

10 Months

I know I say this every time, but I cannot believe how quickly time passes and how BIG Judah is!
He sure is becoming a lot of fun though!

Judah's milestones/activities at 10 Months:
-working on his balance, by letting go while standing
-learning to go back down stairs (can go down a few)
-walking around while holding hands
-playing with balls
-perfecting his pincer grasp and become very good at feeding himself
-is eating mostly all table foods, favorite foods include cheese, zucchini, and pasta with tomato sauce
-jabbering a lot
-giving kisses
-starting to say a few recognizable words and mimicking sounds in addition to "Up" and "Hi": "Achoo," "All done," "Night Night"
-continues to love books and likes his large flashcards with animals on them
-started to stand up independently, without using any support


Unknown said...

Yes, he is growing up so fast and just as cute as ever with that smile. Reminds me of his mommy! Okay Jake as well.

Anonymous said...

Very cute 10 month Judah. From Nana