Thursday, October 25, 2012

8 Months

The Boards are finally behind us, hopefully for a long time, so now to post some 8 month pictures...
The months continue to fly by, even Judah cannot believe its been 8 Months :)
He sure is a fun and handsome little guy though.

Judah is learning new things at a rapid pace.  And his Pedi mommy, who was re-memorizing lists and lists of developmental milestones, has been watching him like a hawk!

In terms of gross motor milestones. this month he learned to pull to stand!  And once you can stand, what fun is it really to sit anymore? He really enjoys standing up and playing at his little learning/musical table toy.  Judah also learned to climb the 2 steps between the kitchen and the living room; no instruction required, one day he just headed for the steps and figured it out himself!  I realize I am biased, but it was quite impressive.  And finally after almost 2 months of scooting/army crawling, Judah finally started actually crawling.  Oh and how can I forget the gross motor milestone of learning to sit-up from lying down and the wonderful joy it has created in keeping us all from sleeping!

In terms of fine motor skills, Judah has learned to clap and is working on waving "Hi," but really isn't interested in waving "Bye" at all.  We are also starting to work on a pincer grasp.

Judah continues to advance his babbling, adding "dadadada" to the repertoire this month.  Still no "mamama" sounds though :(

In other exciting news, this month Judah went from 2 teeth to 6, adding 4 teeth across the top from left to right, one right after the other, with a new tooth breaking through every 3-8 days!  Needless to say, it has made life a little crazy at times. 


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the smiley Judah.
love Nana

Christina said...

Wow! he is changing and growing so quickly!! How time flies! (I am so glad boards are over with! I'm sure that is a giant relief for you. :)

Judah is SUPER cute and I can't believe it as I read all of his milestones. How great!

Love Christina

Unknown said...

Boards?? I thought your were talking about the "board" behind him with his month on it. I just couldn't make the connection, okay, it's my age for sure! I can't wait to see how many changes are happening with Judah, it's exciting. Yes, they do grow up so fast, just look at how my oldest has grown, LOL.