Sunday, July 22, 2012


We have been lucky to have a few family visitors this month!
At the beginning of the month, Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Christina drove down with friends from St. Louis (who were coming to a wedding here) and spent a weekend with us, so that they could meet their nephew!
Jonathan and Judah spent some quality time together doing Judah's favorite things, including reading and playing.  Judah really liked Jonathan...and would laugh and smile at him...maybe because he looks a lot like his Daddy :)

Then this past week, Aunt Jenny and Ayden came to stay with us for a whole week to help out while Daddy was out of town for work.
Ayden and Judah enjoyed playing together.  Judah thought it was very cool that Ayden was mobile and could get all around.  Ayden thought Judah was pretty interesting too, and kept pointing at(poking) Judah's eyes and ears. 
Battlecat wasn't too excited about a moving baby and spent a fair amount of the first part of the week running away from Ayden; however she soon also learned he was pretty cool as he eats table food--and didn't mind sharing with Battlecat.  Oh the things to come :)
Mommy thought it was very nice to have her sister around and to get to do things with their babies together.  We also were able to take the boys to the baby pool at the YMCA.
Judah thought the shooting water was really cool...and kept working to get it, even though it would squirt him in the face. 
Ayden wasn't quite as interested in the water and was content to continue working on his cruising skills.
Judah also enjoyed splashing and kicking his legs in the water.

Thanks for coming to visit us!


Anonymous said...

Cute little sitting up Judah. Love Nana

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing. Judah did seem to have a good time with his cousin and uncle and aunts!