Sunday, June 03, 2012

4 Months

Time continues to pass very quickly...Judah is already 4 1/2 months old and Mommy is now in her LAST month of residency!!!  Keeping up with our busy schedule, we are of course late in posting Judah's 4 month pictures...

4 Month Well Child Stats:
14 lbs 1.5 oz (30%)
25 in (50%)

Judah has turned into a very smiley and easy going baby.
He enjoys looking in mirrors, giggling with daddy, grabbing his toes--very nearlygetting them all the way into his mouth, taking baths and watching Battlecat, who often lays near him.
He is pretty well-adjusted to daycare and really likes his teacher.  Daddy gets to visit him almost everyday around lunch :)
He thinks the quilt Aunt Jenny made him is quite fascinating.  We often sit in this chair to nurse, and when he is done, he enjoys starring at it and oohing at all the different patterns and colors.
He now also has mastered rolling from back to front and is getting better at using his hands specifically.  And we have reached the stage where everything goes in our mouth!
Oh and all the other babies in his class have now learned to sit up pretty well, so Judah thinks he should be able to do this too.
Finally this month Judah has moved to sleeping in his big boy crib...which is comparatively very spacious, and given all his rolling skills he manages to get himself into all kinds of positions!
Judah's 4 Month Birthday was a special one as it was also my first Mother's Day!


Beth said...

He is so precious!! What great pictures!

Kara said...

LOVE IT! He is so adorable and I'm sure you are great parents!

congrats on the end of residency? What now??

Unknown said...

Judah, you are so precious and growing up so fast. I love you and miss you along with your mom and dad. I hope we can see each other again really soon. Love Grandma

Simcah Reid said...

He is adorable. He's seems to be a smiley baby.