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Online ponderings of displaced Utahns
So Erin has been sick, and took the week off from work. Since she's had
time to kill she's been resting and going through boxes of things from
when she was a wee lass.
She found a letter from her cousin asking her and her sister if they were
into Michael Jackson.... because he is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy!
Some sentiments are truly timeless.....
Erin and I spent last night reminiscing about when we were little... we
listened to a mix tape of some of her favorite songs (note - tape) and she
performed several New Kids on the Block hits - much to the delight of our
neighbor... I'm sure. We were forced to stop our trip down memory lane
when the Titanic theme song came on complete with Leo's voice in the
background....'promise me you'll stay alive'
weak. Now Erin wants me to watch Titanic with her...... I think Titanic
should only be viewed if one is in a comatose state.... that way the time
spent, really isn't time wasted.......
One memory I do have from watching Titanic is this:
I went to see Titanic (I think for the 2nd time.... could have been the
first) with my on again - off again girlfriend/next door neigbor Sarah
(this is an excellent arragnement for those who can't drive BTW)....
Anyway, Sarah'd seen it like 68 times, and was still crying..... but for
some reason Jonathan (my little bro) was with us... and when it came to
the part where Leo's painting the nude Jonathan exlaimed - "Wow - Those
are real" to the delight of the guys in the audience.....
Well.... that's my Titanic memory.
grace and peace,
Weekend Update:
Erin has taken ill.... she chilled on the couch for most of the day
yesterday and got some rest... which is good. I had dinner with my
parents at Red Lobster last night. That was a lot of fun. I love my
parents, it's weird how after you reach a certain age, their wisdom seems
to increase exponentially..... all their ideas that I thought foolish as a
teen now seem so wise. I'm really blessed to have believing parents and
to benefit from their experience in the Lord.
Erin and I are pondering whether or not we can pony up the cash to upgrade
our appliances to stainless steel in our new place....... there's a lot of
up-front costs....
Things we have to buy:
Laptop (Erin is required to have one for med school)
Couches (These are required for sitting purposes)
Fridge (This goes w/o saying)
Blinds/Curtains (Unless Erin and I experience some sort of exhibitionist
revolution... this will be a necessity in our home)
On the back burner:
Erin really wants a piano. The other day I came home from work, and there
was a picture of a piano on our fridge, and then when I went to hang up my
coat, there was an ad for a piano sale taped to the door......subtlety is
not her strong suit......
What I really want - a new TV. Right now I'll have to live vicariously
through Sean Patrick and lust after his TV..... but soon... I really must
acquire one. Watching DVD's/Sports is like one of my favorite can these things be fully appreciated with subpar
viewing equipment?
Perhaps I shall join a prosperity church for a limited time, until God
increase my income 10 fold....
Well.. TTFN,
"I've had plenty of joe-jobs.... nothing I'd call a career. Let me put it
this way; I have an extensive collection of name tags and hear nets."
-Wayne Campbell
And as I extract something meaningful, yet most likely
entirely unrelated out of this sacred verse from Wayne's World.
I've noticed over the past several months that I've really been needing to
be more bold in my confession of sins. It seems easy to confess to the
brothers - (well I love the band and they're a great bunch of guys. Say
"lookin at her brings tears to my eyes." Said watchin her shake she gonna
give me a heart attack now baby... I said Snoop Doggy Dogg")
I'm sidetracked way to easily.... anyway back on topic. It seems easy and
comfortable to confess my sins to the brothers at men's group because I
feel like we all have similar troubles....and somehow there's solace in
that and it makes me complacent. I've been reading Mortification of Sin,
and over the past couple of weeks - the Holy Spirit has really renewed in
me a fresh hatred for my sin. Maybe now I can start confessing to myself
- to my heart - and truly striving to put sin to death, rather than
jumping from joe-job to joe-job w/o pursuing a career.
I smell bacon,