Tuesday, January 01, 2013

11 Months

Judah was less than thrilled again to sit and take pictures, we had to do two sessions again, along with distraction of the favorite stuffed puppy and books, to try and capture him both sitting and smiling :)
"Are you really making me do this AGAIN mom?"
This month Judah:
-likes to spend a good portion of the days walking holding onto one hand...though still not quite brave enough to let go, we are getting close to walking and he has taken about 2 independent steps at a time
-learned to go down a full flight of stairs going backwards
-he continues to be a climber
-enjoys putting objects into and out of a container, such as blocks and bath dinosaurs, inside boxes and cups
-"helps" brush his teeth and his hair
-experimenting more with mimicking sounds and definitely jabbers to himself when he wakes up or is trying to go to sleep
-has resumed liking to be rocked and "singing" along as he falls asleep
-is starting to say "dada" more specifically and finally has said "mama" a few times; other new words this month include: ball, baaat (for bath), wawa (for water), and the hint of a consistent p word for puppy
-likes to be tickled and to ride around on daddy's shoulders

Time Flies...we are already getting ready to celebrate a first birthday!


Christina said...


Anonymous said...

Cute 11th month old Judah. love Nana