Sunday, May 18, 2008

Home Away From Home

Here's the lovely call room where, if I were lucky, I got to spend a few hours every 4th night this past 4 weeks during my Pediatrics Sub-Internship. It was good much to look forward to during residency! Actually though, it wasn't that bad and rather fulfilling as a medical student to make a larger contribution to the team. And I have funny stories...related to not knowing if a mariner is a true mariner unless he is tested in difficult waters...that are probably only funny to other medical I will leave them out.

On a side note, I have the whole month of June off, and Jake is more or less out of vacation, so he can't really venture outside of Texas this time...and for some reason he does not appreciate me spending all of my vacation away from him :) So if anyone who happens to read this blog is interested in coming to visit us...please come, we would love to have you! We have a guest suite waiting for you in our house...


Anonymous said...

I must admit that doesn't look very fun...there are no cute puppies to snuggle with you. Hope you are well and cant' wait to see you when you come out to Utah :)

Anonymous said...

Tell jake I feel his pain, While I am in school slaving away for my education. Karen is out and about hiking, hanging out and having fun.

*Shakes fist of fury*

Anywho I thought I'd drop by the blog and say hey to y'all. (I've been practicing my texas slang)

Here is a very for jake to enjoy and hopefully brighten his spirits.

Joel and Karen