Thursday, June 23, 2005

Back from SLC again.....

Haven't been able to hop on the computer and write for awhile....

I need to start off by rebuking Clint who had the audacity to insinuate that I was/am becoming something of a redneck....granted, I can't ignore the signs.... but when the rest of the world is singing "Deep in the Heart of Texas" during the 7th Inning stretch... guess who is neither singing nor clapping....

Speaking of babeball I caught the Rockies v Astros game yesterday for a company team building exercise... Clemens pitched and the Astros won again.....

So I'm really enjoying my job (other than working in cubicle suburbia..... which is a really strange dynamic), I 've been into learning new software and trying to remember UNIX commands.... and I've been surrounded by people who make my own obsession with rocks seem less nerdy.

Erin was in SLC all last week for her sister's wedding. Jenny and Richie tied the knot on Sat and dashed off to Mexico (honeymoon spot of such famed couples as Jake & Erin, and Corey D and Jenni Llaves)... I have too say I was pretty bummed not to have much hanging out time... I got to see Joel for all of 10 min... I did get to roll to Layton w/ E-Pac, and that was sweet!

Have I mentioned that I went to the downtown YMCA and tried to ball with some of the old guys.... I got worked, and someone stole my "I hate beanie babies" shirt which was made for me during my time of indentured servitude to McDonald's corp. weak. Fortunately I've yet to unleash my reverse lay-up on anyone, and I'm confident that it will revolutionize the way basketball is played in TX... so confident in fact that, I might just write a limerick about it:

There once were some guys who liked to ball
Until they saw Jake Umbriaco walk down the hall,
Pasty white skin
and a double chin
My reverse lay-ups subdued them all.

A couple of updates for loyal blog readers:

1) Battlecat is a dream that must be postponed until med school schedules can be quantified - weak, but fear not, Battelcat will ride one day (I just mixed a lot of metaphors..... but it's my blog so whatever)

2) I realize that I've yet to post pictures of the new home etc, but I have downloaded them to the computer, and we've all got to start somewhere....

So Erin and I are going to check out a new church this weekend...... suggestions from blogdom?

I've been re-reading "Life Together" on the train to work everyday, and I'll have to throw up some quotes for discussion soon....

Joel called me today and said that there was a tornado in Duchesne which can only mean one thing..... the world is coming to an end.

I'm taking in the jeep tomorrow it's been very tempermental....



Danny said...

Regarding the tornado:

I'll make sure to cue up "The Four Horsemen" from Kill Em' All tonight.

Grace, Peace, V, and Hz.

Anonymous said...

Why have you have forsaken your first love Jacob?

Tu amore