Monday, September 19, 2011

Boulders Beach & Penguins

Just up the coast from Simon's Town is Boulders Beach
...where a colony of African penguins live
...which made Jake very very happy :)

We were able to spend several hours enjoying the penguins up close as they wandered freely
waddling around the beach
 and the rocks
and going for a swim
 Here we are venturing into the cold waters of False Bay (the Indian Ocean side)
 More amusing warning signs

We really enjoyed our time with the penguins!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Cape Peninsula

As part of our Cape Town trip, we rented a car and spent a day driving around the coast, including to Cape Point, the Cape of Good Hope, Boulder Beach and some of the beach towns.  We were also able to stay a couple nights enjoying one of these lovely beach communities.
the entrance to Cape Point

pointing the directions and distances to al the world's major cities
the old lighthouse
the new lighthouse, ship wrecks litter this coast
the Cape of Good Hope
Rachel and I being brave and heading down into the frigid water...and demostrating all the places Chacos go
enjoying the beach, and only the beach due the water being full of jelly fish and cold...

until we saw this baboon who stumbled upon a watermelon half left on the beach...he was very content until the rest of his large troop found him and came running over the hill towards him and us, yelling...and we all became very scared...and started moving as quickly as possible towards the car
...due to signs like this one, which are posted all over
Simon's Town
Our lovely Guesthouse in the fishing town of Kalk Bay
and the view of Kalk Bay
our group enjoying a lovely fresh seafood dinner

next up...Jake's favorite part of the trip :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cape Town Harbor

More of lovely Cape Town, including a wonderful cruise of the harbor...
Table Mountain
Nobel Square...honoring South Africa's four Nobel Peace Prize laureates: Albert Luthuli, Desmond Tutu, F.W. De Klerk, and Nelson Mandela.
Beautiful Sunset

Up next...more animals, or maybe an exciting post from encourage people to start reading our blog again :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Table Mountain

We were blessed with a wonderfully clear--table-cloth free--day to see Table Mountain in Cape Town
How the non-ambitious who don't have all day to hike, get up on top
 View of the bay
 Many varieties of pretty succulents
Rock Dassies--their closest relative is the elephant!
 My fellow residents- Sara, Rachel and Susana
note the World Cup Soccer stadium (round building to left near water)
 another lovely view of the bay

Monday, July 25, 2011

Encountering Cheetahs

We've been absent for a while from the blogging world...there are reasons for that, but we'll get to those later.  In recent days I have finally been sorting through more photos from our trip to Africa.  So picking up where I left off...

One of the other great perks about visiting Spier Winery is that they have a Cheetah Reserve.  As the population expands and more land is being settled for agriculture, the cheetah is one animal that is becoming extinct due to loss or habitat and natural prey, and therefore increasing conflict with humans.  So Spier houses a Cheetah Reserve that takes care of rescued cheetahs (mostly rescued as cubs) and does a lot with education and awareness to protect cheetahs.  It was very interesting to learn about.

This is a Turkish Anatolian Shepherd dog, which the rescue group breeds and places on area farms as guard dogs for the livestock as part of the cheetah protection effort to help reduce the conflict between cheetahs and farmers.  They are very large dogs!

This is Joseph...he is 9 years old...and I was able to "encounter" him at the outreach :)

If interested, you can read more about cheetahs and the reserve here:
It was a really cool experience!