Sunday, October 25, 2009

Soccer Balls

We've had a brief respite in our crazy schedules...last weekend we both worked/went to school Saturday morning and had Sunday off...which gave us a whole day and a half to spend together! It was wonderful! We went to the Museum of Natural Science to see the Terra Cotta Warriors exhibit, got to spend some time with our neighbor we miss so much who was in town visiting and go to the Dynamo game...
where for the first time since he joined the league David Beckham actually played in the Dynamo vs. Galaxy matchThen this weekend was Intern Retreat in the Woodlands...which meant all interns got to not work from Friday at 2pm to Sunday at 2pm! It did include some lectures and exciting team building activities...but also included significant others and free time at a nice resort and meant I got to miss part of my Friday call! (Unfortunately I left the camera in the car the whole time.) Now going back to work tomorrow will be hard.
However, now the count down to my scheduled vacation begins...only 16 days and 2 calls to go!

Saturday, October 03, 2009


That's really all we have been doing...and it is keeping us quite busy. Jake is also very busy with school; but he likes it a lot, so that part is good.

I have survived my first call month! And now am on to the next...
I will be very glad when November comes and I get a break from working 30 hours straight every 4th day and spending the night in the hospital.

Otherwise, no new news from us...